Church History

This church was organized in the year 1923 after a split in Saint Phillips Baptist Church.  The services were held under a Brush Arbor.  The Rev. Johnnie J. Bullock was chosen as the Pastor with four officers: Deacon Collie Sessum, Deacon Ed Tripple, Sister Shelia Britton and Brother Allen Posley.  The members were Brother Jim Dade, Sister Mary Dade, Sister Minnie Bullock, Sister Virginia Rodgers, Sister Jessie Williams, Sister Lucy Davis and Sister Ollie Sessum.
Later services were held under a tent in the Mulberry area near DeWalt, Texas.  The name of this church was changed to New Saint Phillip.  Reverend Thomas Robinson was the Pastor.  Brother Jimmie Dade, a faithful brother in the Lord, was moved to ask his employer, Mr. A. L. Choen, a realtor, for some land to establish the church.  God acted on the heart of Mr. Choen and he gave the land on which the church now stands.
Reverend J. J. Bullock built the first church.  After Reverend Bullock resigned, Reverend Houston, the church twice then Reverend C. H. Jones, became our leader.  Reverend R. E. Edward was called and served for eight years.  Reverend D. A. Goston served as our leader for eleven years and then resigned.  We will keep the indomitable spirit of these great men with their helping hands always extended ever alive in our memory.
Reverend J. N. Williams was called to New St. Phillip Baptist Church.  He, with a progressive mind, did great work in the service of the Lord and in the community.  Pastor Williams came to the church from Houston, Texas.  He met much opposition, but through the mighty hand of God and by His Spirit, he took advantage of any opportunity to serve the Lord through the office he held.   Under his leadership the church made great strides in ministry and the upgrading of the church facility.   After 33 years of service the Lord called Pastor Williams home in February of 1998.
On April 13, 1998, the church elected Rev. J. DeWitt Clark as our new Pastor.  He is a young man with a great vision. Under the leadership of Pastor Clark, the church has experience growth in membership and in knowledge through the Word of God.  He has reverted the spelling of the name of the church to New St. Philip Missionary Baptist Church. Throughout the years, Pastor Clark has added many ministries to help grow our discipleship and enhance our connection with the local communities.